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Module Configuration

Module Configuration page displays a list of config parameters which are used in the application. You can filter the list on the basis of name, description and value.

How to create a config parameter?

1. Click + icon on the top right. Following pop up window will open with additional list of config parameters which are ready to be used.

Field Level Description

Config Parameter list of additional config parameters which are ready to be used. You can choose one.

value which will decide the behaviour of the config parameter.

E.g. True, False, 0, 1 etc.

2. Enter the required information.

3. Click Save button. A new config parameter is added to the list of already used config parameters.

Impact in Alt Worklife

Let us take an example of a config parameter, ClaimLimitMonthlyCheck which has been activated.

This rule says, if True is entered in the Value textbox then system will check the monthly claim limit on the claim amount entered by an employee in CLAIM DETAILS section under Payroll > New CTC Claim. But if False is entered then claim limit will not be checked.

Likewise, we have other config parameter rules affecting other parts of Payroll module.